MTQ Engine System Australia - Our People
Our people are what makes us different. Providing the best technical support and knowledge, ensuring our customers come first and delivering on our promises.
We have a collaborative business approach, seeking improvements from our staff and our customers through feedback and our Quality Management system. We are committed to fostering a positive culture where personal responsibility, team effort and work-life balance is encouraged at all levels.
MTQ Giving Back
MTQ is committed to giving back to our community through an annual company supported charity initiative. Each year a different charity is selected from our employee's recommendations. Each of our branches organise fundraising activities, attend sporting events and do everything they can do to raise much needed funds.
This year the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia is our supported charity and we aim to raise $17,000.
Our fundraising started with Youngcare in 2010. Previously supported charities also include BeyondBlue (over $12,000 raised), Motor Neuron Disease Australia (over $10,000 raised), Kids with Cancer (over $10,000 raised) and most recently $15,000 was raised for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
Want to donate? Go to www.everydayhero.com.au search MTQ and donate to your local MTQ branch page.